Date: 2024-04-17 Updated: 2024-12-10
A flaw was found in some Intel CPUs where mitigations for the Spectre V2/BHI vulnerability were incomplete. This issue may allow an attacker to read arbitrary memory, compromising system integrity and exposing sensitive information. [R 1] [R 2]
EGI SVG ID : EGI-SVG-2024-09
CVE ID : CVE-2024-2201
CVSS Score : 4.7 [R 1]
Sites running Intel hardware are recommended to look at the announced information and take appropriate action.
Updated 2024-12-10
After checking this older issue it was found that patches are available which address this vulnerability for RH8 and RH9 in August 2024 and October 2024 respectively. [R 1]
See references below for further information.
Given the way the Grid/HTC computing works within EGI, the EGI SVG considers the risk from this vulnerability higher than the CVSS score.
TLP:CLEAR information - Unlimited distribution
Minor updates may be made without re-distribution to the sites.
This advisory is subject to the Creative Commons licence and
the EGI ( Software Vulnerability Group
must be credited. -
Comments or questions should be sent to svg-rat at
Vulnerabilities relevant for EGI can be reported at report-vulnerability at
(see [R 99] for further details, and other information on SVG)
[R 2]
[R 6]
[R 8] (RockyLinux)
[R 9] (AlmaLinux)
[R 99]
SVG was alerted to this vulnerability by Eygene Ryabinkin